Since the launch of Pokémon Go in 2016, one of the most popular software that uses AR technology, VR and AR have been implemented in all fields of industry—especially waste management and production efficiency. Before you throw away a product or identify a loophole in the manufacturing process, VR and AR technology lays down all the consequences of the output. These include everything from packaging to the remnants of the material inside, effective designing process of products, Safety and Health majors within the facility, and per-unit production efficiency. As we look at the transformative industrial practices, AR and VR have become indispensable tools. There have been multiple examples of researchers, manufacturers, artists, designers, and people in almost every field utilizing the wonders of AR and VR for waste management and efficient operations.
A Better Tomorrow
A Better Tomorrow is a project by Andre Wee that offers users digital sights of the Singapore skyline and teaches them ways to effectively use renewable energy, recycle, and eradicate the consumption of fossil fuels. The artist and 3D-world-builder created this breath-taking project with nothing but his iMac Pro, 3D rendering, iPad Pro, Procreate, and Spark AR Studio.
WorkLink is an AR-based software created by the Canadian firm Scope AR. This software works by implementing innovative ways by replacing traditional paper-based work instructions into Smart instructions, and users are engrossed in animated, intuitive, 3D computer-generated imagery that overlays on top of the real world. The program can be used by the expert to produce instructions for the individual to follow. Then he can send those instructions to any available device, such as a tablet or an AR smart glass device. Instructions, animations, or basic drawings showing what to do can be given to the individual handling this risky item.
Creating Emotional Appeal
Hold My Gaze is a project by the artist Andrew Loh. It brings together AR and VR technology to underscore the impact of heedless human waste disposal on future generations. To do this, it uses forest fires as a depiction of climactic doom. The creative and unique user interface of this project is one of a kind. The user must maintain eye contact with the virtual face on an iPad Pro that represents their future generations in the form of a child. A forest camouflages the child’s face. If the user looks away, the jungle catches fire.
These are just some examples of how AR and VR have helped and continue to aid humans in treading carefully in the industrial transformation and supporting the green economy through preventing the hazards of unchecked waste and disposal.