Bain City

Bain City is a collaborative creation blending city planning and recruitment evaluation, offering an immersive experience to assess management trainee potential through urban development challenges.


Bain and Company


Unity3D, WebGL


ELearning Module


Desktop, Tablet & Mobile

What we did

Design & Development

The Brief

Experience a unique blend of urban development challenges and management trainee evaluation in Bain City.


Unleash your city-building prowess while showcasing problem-solving skills, resource management, and strategic thinking essential for a management trainee role.

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Watch Bain City’s Game demo


  1. Construct a thriving metropolis by balancing finances and overseeing development.
  2. Immersive experience assessing problem-solving and strategic thinking abilities.
  3. Direct impact on recruitment journey through performance ranking.


Bain City: Transforming recruitment with a game that blends urban development and career advancement, revolutionizing HR through gamification and tech.


  1. Provides insights into problem-solving and strategic thinking abilities.
  2. Seamlessly integrates city planning challenges with recruitment evaluation.
  3. Offers a unique and engaging approach to talent assessment.

1st May 2023

Gamifiied Assesment

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